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Understand – Reflect – Discover – Recharge

Instead of a lengthy counseling or therapy process that can stretch over weeks or months, we focus on your potential and the personal development you can seize as an opportunity.

The goal is to understand your inner situation in a focused joint process so that you can develop new perspectives and options for action. We focus on your potential and the upcoming personal development that you can seize as an opportunity.

Languages: German, English, French, Dari, Arabic

In a free preliminary conversation, we can determine whether this program is suitable for your needs.

Costs per Day:

  • Our prices for guidance and conversations are based on a sliding scale model, which is adjusted according to financial means, ensuring fair and accessible participation for everyone.
  • Optional accommodation in a single room: 72 euros
  • Optional meals: 35 euros


We begin in the morning with a one-on-one conversation without a time limit. The conversation lasts as long as necessary until your topic is revealed and sufficiently discussed.

After lunch, you can retreat, relax in the garden, paint, write, take a walk through the meadows or forest, or whatever suits your needs. During this time, you continue to engage with the topic from the morning discussion.

Later in the afternoon, we meet again to review and discuss the day’s internal process in a one-on-one conversation.

This program is conducted from 1 to 4 days, both for individuals and in a small group with up to a maximum of four participants.

Informal registration by email at

or with the form: